A blog for educating the public on the paranormal and expressing personal theories and viewpoints from the perspective of a paranormal survivor and investigator from Upstate South Carolina.
Carmen Reed is a down-to-earth lady who experienced a true life nightmare when she moved into a haunted funeral home in the 80s. She now speaks to the public of her horrid experiences with her family in that home in Connecticut and the new movie, "The Haunting In Connecticut" is based on that true story. There is a more accurate, as in events and factual based things, from the Discovery Channel's series "A Haunting". The documentary is "A Haunting In Connecticut", not to be confused with the newly released movie.
I have seen the documentary and the movie. Both are wonderful. As for the movie, I loved it! I even jumped. That's a lot for me. I highly recommend it.
Recently Carmen spoke to CNN and other news media about her experiences and the new movie, as did one researcher who was part of the team to document the paranormal activity over a period of nine weeks in the Connecticut home, John Zaffis. He is both a Demonologist and a Paranormal Investigator.
Here are some articles I've ran across in the past few days. Also, the CNN interview is embedded below. When I run across more interviews with Carmen or John, I'll post those, too. Until then, be safe and well.
To many I am a "ghostbuster". To many I am clergy. To others I am a SkyWarn Storm Spotter. But to you guys, I'm just ME. It is in this light I come to you, with love for everything, even myself in my human-ness that I once rejected.
Hans Holzer Loved By Witches Everywhere!
As a Wiccan and Witch myself I had seen Prof. Holzer's work even before I
knew his name through my studies in Ghost Hunting and Investigation
techniques. W...
And I Move On .....
If it isn't bad enough that my cat only looks at this thing I spoke of in
the last post, just as it ran by inches from her and my headphones cord
dangled f...