It Is Real

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Great Show on Exorcism from a real Investigator In the Paranormal Field

From Chip, show description:
Exploring Exorcism


In light of Rod's upcoming show this Tuesday evening, and the return of one Bishop James Long of the Old Catholic Church, I've put together something of a documentary exploring exorcism(s).

As a paranormal researcher who has been around the block a few times, this particular, controversial subject has been elevated lately as it pertains to what it is I do- help individuals to help themselves through often extraordinarily trying times in their lives.

These clips, especially the last two of the show came recommended from an individual I highly respect in Maine. I cannot and will not guarantee the authenticity or reputability of these clips beyond what I have been told.

Please join me this evening for this show, especially if you have plans to attend Rod's as undoubtedly the subject of “Emily Rose” will crop up. I have included German born, Anneleise Michel's true story in this episode, her sad story is testament to the fact that truth is often worse than fiction.

Also, please do bare in mind what this show is about. Use discretion, I don't want to hear any crying about it later.

A Topic That Always Grabs My Attention For Good Reason!

Exorcism: we've all heard everything from it's being BS to the greatest things since peanut butter and even stories of death coming from it's practice. I've seen it. I've been involved in it. It's no laughing matter and it's a very dangerous and serious subject to approach. For those of you out there that's screaming, "But you're a Witch!" Yes, that's true, but does that under qualify me? The answer lies in both Faith and Science and Katie Boyd couldn't have said it better in her book "Devils & Demonology In the 21st Centenary". She details the pains of the families, the team of investigators (herself a demonologist and occult specialist and Beckah, a undisputed psychic) and the tools and knowledge of the "trade" to handle such cases with safety and skill. I've never been more impressed in a single book than I am with this one. My purpose for presenting this here is as my the description in this blog says, to educate and inform, and that is just what Katie is doing and doing it well. I strive to give you the best information to arm yourself with in the paranormal field and to be the best you can be. If we pull together we can accomplish much. It's been proven that this is true for anything we, as human beings, undertake.

Katie presents real life situations without the drama and hype that some of the other sources on this particular subject draw upon. It's down to earth and downright informative. Anyone, inside or outside of this field can read it and understand it and get a real picture of both sides of the story, not only from those involved in the case but from the perspectives of religion, faith issues, science, and history. I've been here for a while, longer than I care to recognize, and for a long time I felt like the other people on this subject, shrugging it off with a "Yeah, right," attitude. I was wrong and my life as an investigator has shown me this. I would encourage anyone seeking to further educate themselves in this field of the paranormal to read this book. You may need this knowledge someday. For me, it's a resource book. I hope it serves you just as well.

Your Paranormal Blogger,

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Woman Holding Icon - Photos - Coast to Coast AM

Woman Holding Icon

In my travels to collect stories of vampires, werewolves and forest spirits in Transylvania I interviewed the woman in this picture. She invited us in to her small modest home and her family served us something to eat while she quietly waited for the interview to commence. She then proceeded to tell us that she was on her "death bed" and the stories she would tell us were some of her last.

While I do not know if she is still with us in this world, I wished to honor her kindness and wisdom by making this photo the cover of the DVD packaging (for our film Across the Forest). I like the juxtaposition of the new (the stereo) with the old (the icon). The icon had been in her family for over two hundred years. She was very proud of having preserved it through the ravages of time, poverty and government harassment (Romania suffered under Communism for almost 50 years). No matter how things change there is still the belief in the supernatural in all parts of the world.

--Justin Blair