It Is Real

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween Special Post 2

In light of the coming All Hallows Eve, I cannot leave out one of the world's most famous cases. As a researcher in the paranromal for 10 + (and I add the puls insted of a number because age may show itself on me!) years, I've heard a lot about this case and seen raw evidence myself from people I know that once lived near this place. I have no question as to the reality of the case itself, however, if you listen to interviews of the late George Lutz, you'll see the movie took great creative license. As an investigator I do not look at the movie "The Amityville Horror" as a movie about reality, but instead it is based on something like the true story but added a lot to it and left out a lot of important details.

So, in this light, I add the discriptions of the following videos. I'll make a new post for each of the Amytiville video sequences. I hope they are educational for you all, as that is one of my goals in this field.

Description: A 1979 investigation into the Amityville Horror, done around the time the movie was released and before the talk of a possible hoax really started to gain popularity. This program is notable because it contains the only known on-camera interview by the priest who blessed the house (and who confirms his experiences in the house, despite what the Cromartys claimed in the later episode of "That's Incredible"). Also notable for containing rare glimpses of the Lutzes with their real children, filmed by the "In Search Of" crew. Discuss this case at

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