It Is Real

Saturday, May 16, 2009

BlogStar — Discussion: My Experience with Paranormal Teams

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I, personally, admire and respect this lady for this show and for who she is. I love her for who she is personally but here I'm making another point. As an investigator, I'm honored to have this advice given to me and I hope that the rest of those investigators who see this and really hear what she's saying get the same uplifting insight that I did from it. No one could have said it better, and let's face it. Get real here. She's RIGHT! I've seen this, experienced it, had my team brought down by it this prevailing jealousy and who's who in the paranormal and who's NOT. It's bullshit. I, too, call it as I see it. I'm not bashing anyone, either. I'm speaking my mind frankly as I always do. So, as a long-lived researcher and investigator myself, I am heeding these wise words. May all of us realize that we're here doing Spiritual work no matter our approach to it, meaning scientific or spiritual methods of investigating and helping as should be our goal, and to me that's God's work we're doing. The ones who have the balls to speak their minds honestly and not look over their shoulder to see who's looking at them while they are speaking are the ones I respect. The honest ones. Also, I highly respect those with the balls to admit that this is a spiritual journey and give the Higher Power the credit for the work we're doing because it really is a spiritual journey no matter what religion you are or if you are of a religion or not. I won't define spirituality here. I see seeking to know as being spiritual also, so I'll leave it at that.

We are the ones who has to answer for what we're doing out here in the paranormal field, even if only to ourselves. Is our conscious clear? Just a question to ponder for every one of us, including myself.

I feel this jealousy too much also. I have one thing to say and it's the same thing Mama's said and now the great guys and gal at Ghostly Talk. I applaud them for the show. I'll post a link to the part of the show where they finally say it and it brought me back to my love of this field without holding back so much as I have been guilty of. I haven't did that much but a little goes a long way and you all have my appologies for that. I'm on full throttle now like the last post said, like Atlantis. Hear me roar! You don't have to agree but I'm honored for those who do hear.

Listen to your heart, not your head sometimes. It's better that way.

Love, Light and Peace
Your Paranormal Blogger,


Ravi@ebizman87 said...

I've never seen a paranormal enthusiast who has created her or his own blog to SHARE personal paranormal experiences before..

This is the first time I'm seeing such blog..

I'm impressed and I'm going to follow you.

Atrueoriginall said...
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Angie said...

Ravi - Thank you for your awesome compliment.

Angie said...

Eilleen, I'm sorry that you feel there was a lack of communication here. I had others also interested in my idea, so I got those together and was only thinking on how to handle it in my own mind before I tried to talk about an idea before any serious thought about it was given. I created it and invited you to it, also another one interested in contributing to it. I planned to get in touch .... As I said before, I don't blog daily and it did take me a few days for personal reasons. The blog is up and I'll email you.

Atrueoriginall said...
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