It Is Real

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dangers Of The Paranormal

I honestly have screamed this to the top of my lungs in every format I can, including on my former paranormal talk show that didn't last very long .... And here I am again, only this time it's not coming from me. Recently I've dealt with people I've tried to help in a haunting situation that refused to listen to me because I didn't own a "name" in this field. Or as I put it so frankly, I'm just "not famous enough" to be credible! 11 + years experience working in this field, I don't know everything and no one ever will no matter how long they've been in the paranormal, but I think I do know a little something that I can share to help others learn and perhaps help out. Helping others is always my reason for doing anything I do in this field. So, not from me this time but from people who own "names" and that you respect, here's the same thing I've been screaming for years. Who's listening this time?

Dangers of the Paranormal With John Zaffis and Andrew Calder

As always, honesty is my policy and I have no motives except to speak with others who share paranormal knowledge or experiences and to help others. I hope these videos help someone or offer some advice that will save them a lot of trouble. Been there, done that, got a hat. Really, I do!

Lovingly Your Paranormal Blogger,


Atrueoriginall said...
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Angie said...

I really, really appreciate the feedback. I agree with you 100% and I have no desire to get into paranormal media in any way, nor do a lot of genuine researchers and investigators I've met. We've all ran into that problem. I intend to write another post about the paranormal mass media and it's purpose and how it's misused and misunderstood with these new groups that take it for face value. From experience I see where the viewers are getting into trouble.

I've never went for fame at all. I had a show but it was to train my team and hopefully educate people, however even that turned to people hounding me for publicity and I could no longer fulfill my intents, so I trashed it.

It's sad that people like us cannot get our voice heard seriously by others simply by virtue of experience, not books or radio shows or TV. That's a huge trap, a downfall that may lead to the public no longer trusting any paranormal investigator at all. To me all voices have a right to be heard and weighed by their knowledge and experience, not exposure. I sometimes feel like getting together everyone I can find that is like us and creating a group called "The Non-Famous But Knowledgeable of the Paranormal" LOL. Would that help?

Your kind words mean a lot to me. You're the first one ever to comment on my posts and wow, how it lifted me up. I needed that as things can be very discouraging. I'll put a link to you also, here in my blog. I thank you for sharing with me. I hope to hear from you again.


Atrueoriginall said...
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Angie said...

Actually, I could set it up tonight. I've done that before with an old spiritual based blog I did but no one posted. lol So I ditched that one, too. I'll set it up and we'll go from there. I'm doing these blogs just as a thing "when I feel like it" because of my own health. But I think it's a great idea and gives me a bit more motivation. We all need that!

You'll get an invite to it. Just give me a bit of time to do what I need to do and I'll set it up.

Who knows? Maybe it will be a hit! Haha. We never know do we?


Atrueoriginall said...
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